Loan Processing & GRC

German Corporate Tax

Commodity Pricing Data

Non-Profit & ESG Management

Investment Management

CRE Environmental Management

Visualization & Design

Telecom Billing

Asset-Intensive ERP

Financial Reporting

UK Accounting & HR

Supply Chain Management

Recreation Dealer Websites

Telecom Payments & Services

Legal Management & GRC

Ethics & Compliance

Personal Finance

Biopharma CRO

Real Estate Marketing

Tax Compliance

Recruiting Automation

Italian ERP

Wildfire Risk

ERP for Europe SMB

*Representative investments of Noble Rock Software professionals at current or prior firms and unless stated, do not represent an endorsement

GRC Software Leader

Sean Thompson, CEO

“Since partnering with Noble Rock, NAVEX has doubled. We increased our investment in new technology, acquired several companies, and honed our go-to-market programs. Whit and Bill played key roles in these initiatives and consistently encouraged us to think even bigger. From my experiences at SAP, Microsoft, and different startups Noble Rock is remarkable for their strategic insights, common sense, and personal integrity.”